Thursday, January 23, 2014

Guest Post

By Eileen Lichtenstein

I've had - and continue to have wonderful experiences as a radio host, being a guest on internet radio, telesummits and being a blogger on my own site.

Internet radio is easy :)- and usually free unless you get a premium station that has perks.
As a host it’s simply having a conversation via telephone with a structure set with the guests Q & A via email in advance so it can be promoted via the internet. The guest's tone is also conversational, so if anyone has jitters about this get rid of them since everything can be detected in your voice. By the way, public speaking is the #1 fear in the world. You can't see your public via radio or phone, so there's no reason for jitters! If you do have them, however I can help you with coaching and alternative modality EFT which is highly effective for reversing phobias and fear. You may listen to my radio archives and other media events
here: and

Additionally, I co-hosted another weekly radio show on the internet for over a year! Listen to internet radio with MotivationalWhisperersRadio on Blog Talk Radio and Eileen's Balance & Power Blog -

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